Norham WI -
We had our last WI meeting in March 2020, we are all so looking forward to getting back together. It is hard to believe that we have missed some our usual community events such as the Soup & Sandwich Lunch for local charities, catering for Coldstream Riders Association to name just two. For those of us who are crafty we have missed our fortnightly craft afternoon and our Christmas Craft event for invited local WI’s.
As we now know none of this came to fruition but we are still here so what have we been up to. Some of our members were involved in North East Sewing for the Front Line making additional scrubs, laundry bags, scrub hats and other items for the NHS and care homes. That activity has now ceased, our members are now like everyone else living from day to day trying to keep all our spirits up. Our President Margaret Jeffrey motivated some of us to make/contribute to gift bags for our members which were very much appreciated with one member moved to tears over her gift. There have also been Christmas gift bags and our redoubtable president has been networking like mad online with other WI’s around the country.
One of the things that has helped is Denman College for the Women’s Institute. Denman College as Denman at Home, a virtual provider of adult education to all regardless of WI membership. For the full story of Denman College visit From the website you can jump to Denman at Home to see what courses are offered from craft to cookery, history to travel and more for a small fee, usually £5. If you are a follower of our Facebook page you will have seen numerous posts for their courses, Denman also has its own social media pages.
When we are able to meet again we would love to see anyone who would be interested in joining us, you can attend without subscribing to WI to get a taster of what we do so please look out for details of our first meeting soon, it will be published in the Norham Newsround and on the events page here on Norham Life.