You may have read the blog dated 25th January 2022 advertising the blessing of the Tweed at Pedwell, Norham on Tuesday 1st February.
At 8 am that morning a crowd gathered to take part in the service led by the Rev Canon Rob Kelsey. A couple had travelled from the south of the county and the national newspaper The Daily Telegraph also witnessed this year’s event.
The NDT (Norham Development Trust) have kindly been given permission by the photographer and the newspaper for the wonderful photo below to be published on our community website.
(Page 10 of Wednesday 2nd February 2022 edition of The Daily Telegraph.)

Image © Chris Strickland

Dean Cockburn had the honour of casting the first line of the season.

Image (courtesy of Jim Blythe)
Tradition states that if a salmon is caught it is then given to the local clergy. Sorry Rob perhaps next year!
This year’s service was also reported in the local press. See below link for the full article.
By searching on google numerous other articles can be found.
Also, a huge thank you to Jim Blythe for revitalising this tradition and supplying a ‘wee’ dram and shortbread after the service.
Although this year's Salmon fishing is underway the Brown Trout season starts next month. The below text will be included in the next Easter edition of the Norham Groups and Activities pamphlet. The angling association is the oldest club in the village founded in the 1920's
Norham and Ladykirk Angling Association
We have 2.5 miles of double bank on the River Tweed available for Trout and Grayling fishing. Membership is open to residents of Norham and Ladykirk. Day tickets and season tickets are also available to non residents. New members welcome.
The Club runs an annual championship for members consisting of 10 competitions. 5 river and 5 still water.
Jim Cameron
Secretary 01289 382481