Our choir is led by the talented and inspiring “Husband and Wife Team” Patricia and Julian Bonia. Together they plan the music and encourage and support a group of 20 – 30 enthusiastic singers with Patricia conducting and Julian accompanying on the organ.
We meet weekly to practice with the aim to lead the singing at St Cuthbert’s Church at the Sunday Services on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th (5th if there is one) Sundays, as well as providing music for special occasions and concerts.
Ultimately, we always try to have fun, while supporting each other with friendship and in our aspirations to make wonderful music. We are fortunate and proud that Julian Bonia who accompanies our singing on the organ is an outstanding musician (he won a Certificate of Special Service from The Royal School of Church Music in 2018)
The highlights of our musical year are The Summer Concert, The Christmas Carol Service, The Service of Devotion on Good Friday, Choral Evensongs and the Anthems we sing at different services throughout the year.
We enjoy singing at weddings occasionally, and we work collaboratively for concerts with musical groups including Berwick Concert Band and the Norham Junior Singers. At Christmas we also sing for and with the residents at Birch Hill Care Nursing Home, in Norham, and also at funerals.
We raise awareness and funds for local causes, with one example at the Summer Concert in June 2019 for Northumberland Mental Health Matters, and Christmas Carols in Morrisons Supermarket for Hospice Care North Northumberland. In 2019 we raised a grand total of approximately £900.
Family and friends join us for a Summer and Christmas party, which we all contribute to with delicious culinary delights!

“Thank you for creating such a special wedding ceremony for us. We are grateful for your hard work practising such beautiful pieces to make our wedding utterly gorgeous.”
Melissa Binnie Summer 2019

We are always looking for new members, particularly tenors, and basses.
We have FULL TIME MEMBERS who try to attend as many Thursday evening practices, and Sunday Morning Services whenever they can.
OCCASIONAL MEMBERS who aim to take part in special events and attend a reasonable number of practices leading up to an event.
Practices are on a Thursday evening 6.45 – 8.15 pm.
If you enjoy singing and want to join our choir, or just to come along to see what we are about then contact Patricia:
Telephone: 01289 382256
Email :julianbonia@btinternet.com
Further information on our Facebook Page:
Norham Church Choir
Twitter: @singinginnorham