Welcome to the Cleaning Up Group. Our aim is to create a neat and tidy village for villagers and visitors alike to enjoy through volunteer participation.
The group is a division of the Norham Development Trust, started in 2018. It was formed because our paths and verges were disappearing under weeds and overgrown grass.
Over the past eighteen months, we have transformed our paths and verges back to their original state. In addition, the group has made new paths, put in steps and resurfaced parts of roads
We are a small group of like-minded individuals who are very keen to keep our Village and Parish clean and tidy. We meet once every 2 weeks for 3 hours on a Wednesday evening from 5-8pm throughout the spring, summer and early autumn months. Keeping our footpaths clear of weeds and grass is our priority. It also helps to prevent our pathways from disappearing due to excessive growth.

“Many hands make light work”

We do litter picks from the outskirts of our parish to the inner village. When called upon, the group helps out the Norham in bloom team with planting and excavation. If any local bodies need our help they can contact me by email or by phone 01289382442.
If you would like more information on the progress and development of the park/play area you can keep up to date either signing up to the village newsletter or using the Village Share section of the website.