Norham Church
17th October 7pm
A brand new show from Toronto based FreePlay, 'Talk To Me’ showcases the a-cappella live looping style they have brought to audiences in 25 countries across 6 continents!
Talk to Me sings you around the world without leaving your seat….
With a playlist that ranges from Bach to the Beatles to Bollywood, with stops in Sydney and Sao Paolo, their show has something for everyone who enjoys the classic music of the twentieth century. FreePlay don’t just perform: they connect, engage, entertain, and inspire.
“If you thought you knew a cappella…think again. Suba and Dylan create an entire orchestra…with just their two voices. After one listen to their version of Neil Young’s Old Man…you’ll never listen to the original again. Pure magic!'” – CBC Radio Canada
Tickets £12 Adult; £5 U16
or on the door.
