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How to have your say on what happens to Norham?!

So who knows? There are so many groups, associations, charities and institutions (we shall use the word group to cover them all) its mind boggling to try and interpret the mensa task of who, what, why and when is always the question rather than is anybody listening to me? Maybe we are naive to think that we are given a voice to be heard and the things we want to happen to the village could happen as it seems nothing happens, and if it does happen nobody asked about my thoughts. Fortunately there is away...

You have to turn up to be heard and that in my experience is the most daunting first thought. But if you do not turn up how can anybody hear your views or will you find out if some of your ideas may be in the pipeline already. With so many groups with so many different objectives, it can leave anybody overwhelmed and left anxious to decide what would be the right fit for me. I definitely felt this feeling when I first moved to the village in 2018 and to be honest, my first experience of a society was not very appealing and I felt a little deflated when I left. Not giving up I was invited to another group, and it is now safe to say I am part of a few groups that have interests close to my heart and that I feel I can add the most value too. I am a champion for not spreading yourself too thin, but rather giving a 100% to one is better than 10% to everything.

You don't have to be part of anything to have your say. If a membership is not what you are looking for but more of a platform to vent, suggest, explore or enquire then the Norham Development Trust has created such an event. They organise DROP IN SESSIONS at the village hall, an open space filled with representatives from each group available to chat and talk openly about what they have to offer, what role they play and insights into their current projects. An information space if you will with no sales tactics or join us propaganda. Everyone is welcome and the next meeting is on..

Friday 27th March, 4:30 - 6:30pm (2020)

It is never too late to get involved whether you have lived in Norham for 30+ years or just moved to the village. A community is only a community if people feel they are wanted and can add value to the place they live and raise their children. Moving to Norham was the biggest life changing decision we made as a family. Choosing Norham for its traditional services, open spaces, beautiful scenery and a village life we longed for after so many years with your closest neighbour over 2 miles away can get a bit lonely. I always reflect when walking mans best friend down one of the many well maintained public footpaths, would Norham be such a picturesque lilliput lane postcard if the many groups did not do what they did to make sure the traditional values and services we take for granted are both given upkeep and enhanced upon year after year.

Making Norham great I am sure is at the heart of every villager and definitely mine. Dont get me wrong the road is winding and there is definitely a few pot holes here and there but without participation from fellow villagers how can we make Norham the place we want to live year after year. Our offerings already include events from music to bat walks, providing people with a place to go if they are lonely, want to learn a new craft, take part in light exercise or learn about history.

Your say is your say and that say will make you heard, you don't have to join a group or get involved but you do have to have your say to make you feel part of the community, and what is more the community wants your say! A say in the kitchen or down the pub is not going to right a wrong or change the village for the better. A say at a Drop In Session that the community can all hear and be noted will have a impact that you thought your say could not have and maybe your say might just happen.

I look forward to seeing you all at the Village Hall on March 27th between 4:30-6:30pm to show you the New Village Website and you can have your say.

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1 commentaire

25 févr. 2020

Very well put Mark. Here's hoping for a good turn out on the 27th!

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