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  • Writer's pictureSue

Let The Flowers Speak!

Flowers are rich in symbolism, a romantic branch of folklore which goes back thousands of years. 'Floriography' or the language of flowers was largely forgotten until the Victorian era when it was revived and flower giving became an art form. Victorians would send secret messages through their flower arrangements!

I wonder what this one would say?

We all know that roses symbolise love and red poppies remembrance, but what about other flowers?

The anemone, which is part of the buttercup family, is a sad little flower and is said to mark the loss of someone or something. Foxgloves, on the other hand are seen as symbols of productivity and successful teamwork.

Tulips, their name comes from the Persian word 'tulipant' meaning turban, were introduced into European gardens in the 16th century and were generally welcomed, but it was the Dutch who embraced the cultivation of this beautiful flower.

A red tulip is a declaration of love,

and a variegated one means 'beautiful eyes', but a yellow tulip may be interpreted as 'hopeless love', so be wary!

Finally, if you want to impress someone, don't give them candytuft as they symbolise 'indifference', or lavender as that says that you don't trust them.

And never give anyone a lettuce as that means 'cold heartedness' !

If, like me, you want to find out more about this fascinating subject make sure you get your tickets for David Mitchell's talk, 'Let The Flowers Speak', Saturday 3rd July 5.30pm in Norham St. Cuthbert's church. Be quick because seats are limited and they are selling fast!

Tickets available via this website/the village shop/Tory Craig or myself.

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