You should know by now that Norham Castle is 900 this year! And that it was built on the orders of the Prince Bishops of Durham, to protect them from the pesky northerners . So what better idea than asking the current Bishop of Durham to come to Norham to help us celebrate.
On 3rd October The Bishop of Durham , The Right Reverend Paul Butler is coming to a church, a castle and a village hall near you!

It's Harvest Thanksgiving so the service will start in the church, which is always beautifully decorated at this time of year, and then there will be a procession round the village - the war memorial, outside the hall, and the community orchard, giving thanks all the way up to the Castle. And then there will be a Harvest Thanksgiving Community Lunch in the village hall.
So come and join the community and the procession and the lunch, and meet a Bishop!
