On hearing the classic Iron Maiden track on the radio the other day it reminded me of a recent trip over the border in Scotland where I 'bagged' three Munro's in one week. Most people will have heard about them which are mountains with a height over 3000ft and are named after Sir Hugh Munro. There are 282 Munros and after my trip I have completed about 8, so a fair few to go.
Looking at a road atlas I realised that it is possible to visit some of the Munro's, climb them and return to Norham in a day, albeit a long one!
For example Ben Vorlich has a suggested journey time of 2hrs 40 mins. In reality due to traffic around Edinburgh it's probably more like 3.5 hrs.
The climb itself is suggested at between 4-5 hours which is what it took me back in October. And a journey of about 120 miles each way.
Below is the summit of Ben Vorlich (3231 ft)
The summit of Ben Chonzie (3054ft) which I am informed is pronounced Honzie.
The second Tarmachan Ridge, the highest being Meall nan Tarmachan. (3421ft)
(all heights are approximates converted from metres)
There are many useful resources such as https://www.walkhighlands.co.uk/ which includes planning and safety tips.
With the uncertainties of the current Covid variant we aren't out the woods yet. Although I wrote a similar comment last year, Hopefully in 2022 the world will finally be a safer place to explore.
More from the discovery series coming next year. For now though, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone.
Stay Safe.